Cylinders of the Pharaoh, Wands of Horus, Egyptian healing rods - production of the Company RODS.RU

Cylinfers of the Pharaoh

1994 - a teacher of physics V. P. Kovtun brings some paragraphs from the manuscript of Kont (Count) Walewski, titled "The System of Caucasian Yoga", which have been extremely popular in Tbilisi in 70-ies in the semblance of rewritten school exercise-books. In this manuscript the process of making cylindrical-shaped rods, used in Ancient Egypt, is been told about. The first Cylinders of the Pharaoh are manufactured.

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The Company begins to gather the information, given by Egyptologists and historians, about the Rods, held by some of ancient Egyptian statues. The help is offered by The State Hermitage, Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography, State Russian Museum. Famous Petersburg artists and sculptors prepare the project about the cylindrical rods.

order Cylinders of the Pharaoh

1994-1995 - M. A. Nikulin carries out researches of the cylindrical rods in Dzhanelidze First Aid Institute of Scientific Research and discovers the results of a positive influence of the Egyptian Rods on a human's organism. The film about the cylindrical rods is being shoot on RTR under the title of "The Trial by Mystery". Some articles are published in different periodicals. Medical men, physicists, parapsychologists make a close study of the Rods' influence. The positive results are received. Serial production of the cylindrical rods under the Trade Mark of the "Cylinders of Pharaoh" is launched..

Egyptan Rods

1996-1997 - The Company cooperates with A. Shem and A. Romanenko, who founded a fund, named "Spiritual Unity", to distribute The Cylinders of Pharaoh.
During our trip to New York we studied the whole manuscript "The System of Caucasian Yoga" by Kont (Count) Walewski, published in the year of 1955 in USA. Also we have found a company, which produced the egyptian rods of Kont (Count) Walewski before us in America. The cylindrical rods of Pihopy II were discovered in Metropolitan Museum.

Egyptian healing rods

1997 - having studied the works by I. Shmelev, A. Martynov and A. Golod we launched the production of the Rods according to the Principle of the Golden Section and process them in the Pyramid. First Egyptian Rods under the TradeMark "The Cylinders of Pharaoh-HORUS" had been manufactured

Wands of Horus

1998 - A test set of the Rods under the TradeMark "The Cylinders of Pharaoh-HORUS" according to a technology, suggested by V. Uvarov had been manufactured . They were not launched into serial production because of their imperfection.

Wands of Horus

1999 - We started the production of Egyptian Healing Rods: The Rods-KONT, with the rod-like fillings. The Rods-QUARTZ, The Rods-CRYSTAL - Rods's names with QUARTZ filling , processed in the Pyramid.
2000- The Egyptian Healing Rods is voted the best production at the specialized exhibition of Alternative Medicine in Moscow.

Egyptian Healing  Rods

May, 2000 - working out a new type of the Rods "Antipipho" together with International Shaping Federation.
The Egyptian Healing Rods are voted the best production at the Special Art Exhibition in Moscow for the second time.

Ancient Egypt

Autumn, 2000 - the artists's group from St. Petersburg organized the trip to Egypt with Egyptian healing Rods.

    work with Egyptian Healing Rods

2001 - exploring and producing the new type of cylindrical rods RODS-FREE.
International Shaping Federation, the polish bio-energetic therapeutists, Moscow Astro-Psychologists School elaborated new methods working with Rods.

rods of the Pharaoh

2001 - Egyptian Rods's presentation in Czechia and in Poland.

2002 - Till December, 2002 the Company had name KOVTUN ® . Since January, 2003 the Company is renamed RODS.RU.

Rods Crystal

2004 Ankh and Arc of the Covenant. Modified Quartz and Crystall Rods studies.
Methodology of International Shaping Federation is for Rods with extra generators inside.


2006- Pyramids and Egyptian rods - studies by Ukrain Partners.

Egyptian Rods

2008 - Edition of John DeSalvo, Ph.D., Director, Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association's book in USA. In one section of this book it' written about Egyptian healing Rods, which our company makes.

Count Walewski

2008-2009 Analysis of second part of IX Arkan of Count Walewski's manuscript in cooperation with Greek experts. George Aggelidis gives an idea of Trinity Rods according to Count Walewski's manuscript.

Creation and study of Trinity Rods.

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2009-2010 partnership with Laboratory of High Technology №7 of Samara's departament od Academy of Medical-Technical science of Russian Federation.

Introductiom of method of energy-information operational development of Egyptian healing Rods.

Caucasian yoga

2010-2011 Depth studing of the origins of Caucasian Yoga in Russia.

Egyptian Rods were handed over to the President of the Association of Caucasian Yoga.

sun gazerz

2014-2015 Egyptian healing Rods were studyed by a group of sun gazers from Canada, by the healers Ross Hamilton and Sandra Loxterkamp.

Great results from combining Egyptian Healing rods and sun gazing.

Franz Bardon

2015 produced Amber Rods combining the technology by Franz Bardon and the manuscript of Count Walewski "Caucasian Yoga".

Studying of Amber Rods.

Egyptian Rods

2016 Researches of various forms of generators together with different fillers of Rods.

Company RODS.RU began to produce certain models of Rods on special order with the addition of spherical generators.

Cylinders of the Pharaoh and sport

2019 Company RODS.RU started studying the topic Egyptian healing Rods and Sport.

The leader of this topic is Evgeniy Beletsky, an engineer from Moscow.

Toth's Pyramid

2020 RODS.RU Company began to keep the filler for Egyptian Healing Rods in the Toth's Pyramid.

This 18 meter pyramid is located near St.Petersburg, Istinka village.

Our company

Egyptian healing Rods

Gorbunova Svetlana (Mary Stell) has graduated the Saint-Petersburg State University. A physician. In 1994 invested the project of cylindrical rods' topic's development and organized the production. A PR-speciallist in present day.

Egyptian Rods

Nathalie Tomtchek (Komorova) has graduated from the Saint-Petersburg State University, studies Japan. Nathalie had worked in MITSUBISHI Corporation in Japan for several years. In 1994 invested the project of cylindrical rods' topic's development and organized the production.
Had worked on the topic since 1994 till 1996. Our Company thanks Nathalie Tomchek for helping and rendering assistance to develope the topic of the Ancient Egyptian Rods.

Wands of Horus

Serguey Gorr has graduated from the Saint-Petersburg State Maritime Technical University. The head of the Company and the owner of the TradeMark "The KOVTUN-Company".

buy Cylinders of the Pharaoh

V. P. Kovtun, the teacher of physics in Lyceum of Pushkin, Candidate of Science. In the end of 1994 suggested us considering the topic of cylindrical rods. He had worked in the company since 1994 till 1999 under the contract. The Company registered and paid for the Trade Mark of "The Cylinders of Pharaoh" for V. P. Kovtun. He presents the "Cylinders of Pharaoh" project for today. You can read about it here in details.

 buy Wands of Horus

Valery Uvarov, ufologist. Had been distributing the Rods of our Company from October, 1997 till January, 2000. Had contributed heavily in popularization of the topic. Today Valery Uvarov presents the project "The Wands of Horus".
You can read about it here in details