The Golden Section
The history of "The Golden Section" goes far back to the era of the Pythagorean mathematical school. They solved the following problem: if one divides an arbitrary segment into two parts "A" and "B", according to the ratio (A+B)/A=A/B, then the quadratic equation, mentioned above, will have two roots, which appear to be constants, X1=1,618 and X2=0,618.
These numbers have been called "golden" since, and they are wonderful indeed. Always, when a person feels a sense of harmony, no matter whether it is harmony of sounds, colors or size, the "Golden Number" can be found. It plays an exceptionally important role in architecture and paintings. It was Pythagoreans, who noticed, that the whole musical sound range obeys the law of frequences, equal to the "golden number". Many centuries later Italian Mathematician Fibonatchi constructed a mathematical range of numbers ( 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 ), described the process of rabbits' reproduction, i. e. purely biological process. It is easy to notice the law forming of the numerical range. Each term, beginning from the fourth, is the sum of the two previous terms. If we consider the ratio of the consequent and previous (or vice versa) terms of this range, we will get the numbers, already familiar to us. They are 1,618 and 0,618. And the higher the index number of a term is, the more exact precision of the "golden" ratio will we get. The terms of this range are called "The Fibonatchi Numbers ".
The "golden" number is closely connected with the animate nature. The case is that every body, which has five axes of symmetry (so-called penta-system), possesses this "golden" number. In inanimate nature, e.g. in crystallography, different crystals with any number of symmetry axes can be found, except for those with five of them. Organic material is build according to principals of penta-system. Our planet is the penta-system.
The periods of Solar System's Planets' revolutions obey this principle. The sound range, system of chemical elements and everything connected with natural systems, also obeys this law. That's why the Rods are produced in strict accordance with the Golden Section principle. It allows them to be self-tuned to a person and be in resonant interaction with the Pyramid.