The Cylinders Of The Pharaoh

Instruction the Cylinders Of The Pharaoh

1994 - 1995

Instruction the Cylinders Of The Pharaoh

1995 - 1996

Instruction the Cylinders Of The Pharaoh Instruction the Cylinders Of The Pharaoh

since autumn 1996 till 1998

Instruction the Cylinders Of The Pharaoh Valery Uvarov Cylinders Of The Pharaoh The certificate of Cylinders of the Pharaoh

1998 - 2000

Valery Uvarov Cylinders Of The Pharaoh The certificate of Cylinders of the Pharaoh

For the pilot batch of the "Pharaoh's Cylinders HORUS".

The wands of Horus instruction The wands of Horus sertificat

1999 - 2000

Egyptian Healing Rods, instruction Egyptian Healing Rods, sertificat

Egyptian Healing Rods

2000 - 2002

Egyptian Healing Rods, instruction Egyptian Healing Rods, sertificat

2002 - 2004

Egyptian Healing Rods, instruction

since 2004 till present day